Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm not sure what happened to me recently.
Last night I was rereading Susane Colasanti's Waiting For You and something just clicked. Like, all of the sudden I realized that I can't just sit around and wait for things to change. I actually have to make them change.
So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to make things change.
Well... once I'm off bed rest I will.
I'm going to start blogging again. I definitely will.
I'm going to start reading more. And writing. And taking pictures. And working out. And working at the Foods. And hanging out with friends.
I will change my outlook on life.

Quick updates:
I have applied to my first and only school: UNC Asheville. I applied into the Education program. It's a long shot that I'll be accepted, but you never know. December 15 is going to take forever. I'm also nervous that my ACT score and my transcript won't get in before the deadline, which is November 15. I'm going to call them on Monday and ask about it.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Five!

So, I'm totally stealing this idea from Sarah Dessen, but I have always loved this idea, and I feel like this will be a great way for me to actually update this... Haha so here we go!

1. I did start that book review blog! It's named A Kid's View. It's doing relatively well. I haven't been able to read the book that I'm reading right now since I'm not even in the state right now. So hopefully when I'm back, I can get it finished and lost a new review.

2. Speaking of not being in the state, I am visiting Clover right now! I got to drive down here in my mom's Subaru (180 miles, three and a half hours all by myself)! I was nervous about it but it turned out well. It was fun actually! Singing in the car all alone and everything with the windows down and what not. Perfect.

3. I know that because it's summer that I shouldn't be talking about school, but it is just so weird because I'm a senior and all. I signed up (originally) for AP psychology, AP English (year round), yearbook (year round), Spanish 2, physics, and discrete math. I recently dropped AP English and signed up for Spanish 3, I feel like it'll be more beneficial this way for me.

4. I ended the semester with three B's and an A, despite the fact that I was homeschooled for practically the last two months. How awesome am I? Answer: very.

5. I really want to dye my tips red. But at the same I feel like I'd hate it after a while. I tried chalking my hair, and I absolutely love it. So maybe I'll just do that every so often and what not but then I would get tired of doing that. Ugh. First world problems.

Have a great week!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

It's Official!

As of yesterday at around 4 PM, the Holly Springs High School class of 2012 walked across their stage and got their diplomas. That also means that as of around 4 PM yesterday, I am official a senior.

I am a senior.

I am a senior.

Is this really already here...?

No, because I really have to wait until August 27. But I'm alright with that.

It's just really weird though, to think that I'm a senior. I texted my brother saying, "How does it feel knowing that your baby sister is a senior now?" He was class of 2007. Forever ago. So now (even though it's June) I'm thinking about SATs and colleges and everything that goes along with it. Do I want to go to Wake Tech first then transfer to get my teaching license? Or should I go straight to Winthrop or UNC Asheville? Or even UNC Wilmington just for creative writing? IT'S TOO HARD. But luckily, I do have time. Yay!

It sucks though, because I have to wait until I take my SAT in October to apply to any colleges. At least I think. I should check that out... Stupid car accident still messing me up.

In three days I'll be driving (my first long car ride alone!) to Clover for half a week! Yay! So excited. I'm just glad my parents are letting me drive. Hope that goes alright... three 1/2 hours will be so interesting alone. At least I can blare the music and sing along without my mom glaring at me... hehehe.

So, I also just realized that I haven't posted any new pictures lately. Here are some!

Prom group! I'm on the far right.

Me and Becky just messing around on the webcam, right as summer started

Those are really all of the latest pictures... haha. Oh, and by the way, I GOT PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR FOR YEARBOOK NEXT YEAR! Schweet (:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's Almost Here!

Well, technically it's been here [for me] since mid April. But this week starts exams for all of the high schools around here, which means that summer will be starting in four days! That also means that I can finally hang with my friends again and I will get to go to Clover soon! Yay!

Good news on the law suit: we won! That's all I'm allowed to say about that.

I've been in physical therapy for way too long, but it's helping so so so much. I've been diagnosed with scoliosis (I'm not sure if I've posted that) and yesterday we found out that I have an extra vertebra? How does that even happen? Maybe I was supposed to have a twin. That would be kind of cool.

So, lets talk about Sarah Dessen. She's been my favorite author since I read Someone Like You in eighth grade, so about three years ago. And all of her paper backs are getting NEW COVERS! So far only her first three books have been revealed, but I love them so much. That Summer is definitely my favorite so far. I'm entering all the contests, hoping to win maybe one of them and get a free copy of them. Because knowing me and my obsession love for her and her books, I will end up buy them all, even though more than half of the ones I have now are all signed by her. Let's just hope that I win at least one of them (:

I'm thinking about starting a book review blog, since all I seem to do is read. I'm reading more than I'm writing now, which really saddens me. I hate that I have writer's block 95% of the time. Blah. And now I'm not going to the writing camp in July because the college cancelled on the program. Lame. I really wish that there was some writing guild around here... oh wait, there is! And since I'm not doing marching band anymore, I can probably do it! Yay, revelations!

All of now!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Well, it's official.

There's only 18 school days until exams start. And 17 of those 18 days, I will be sitting at home teaching myself everything I need to know in order to pass the exams.

It's sort of interesting. Since I've missed 13+ days in every class since the accident, my counselor, doctors, and parents were concerned about me missing all of my work and catching up for when I go to class for one day of the week. So, they decided that I should stay home for the rest of the year and have my work sent home. Fantastic.

I'm not sure how I think about it. Yeah, I get to sleep in (which doesn't matter because I don't sleep well in the first place)  and I don't have to sit in those chairs at school and try and push through the day with the pain, but I also don't get to have all of the help I may need. I don't get to see my friends or go to club meetings or participate in class. I guess it's better this way, though.

It's a rainy day out. I mean, I freaking drove through a flood on the way home from taking my friend's prom pictures! It was completely insanity. I'm just glad I'm safe.

I'm already bored cooped up in my house. I've read, I've tried to write, I've played computer games, and everything else. This will be a fun early summer vacation.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Just... trying.

That's all I seem to be doing lately.
Let me elaborate: I'm just trying to go to school again. Last week so so miserable for me and this weekend was worse since I went back to work. Some other things have started showing up that is hindering my recovery, too. I'm just trying to have a better outlook on life. It's also hard since I've been in so much pain for the last three weeks. I'm just trying to read and write more. Reading: check! Since the accident I have read ten books, all 200+ pages. As for writing, I'm starting to have writer's block. Blah. I'm just trying to figure out if journalism is what I really want to do. I don't think it is. I think creative writing is what I want to do. But that's just a joke, because what can I do with a creative writing degree? Nothing. Maybe I'll just become an English teacher or something. That way I can always write on the side. No matter what I do, I will be writing on the side.

I hate ranting. But it's also easier because nobody reads this. Yay?

I just finished (literally fifteen minutes ago) Susane Colasanti's So Much Closer. In that book, the main character has a wish box. I want a wish box. I just need to find a box now...

I'm going to write now. Maybe watch a movie. Or find a box.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I really just don't care anymore.

Current playing song: Rolling in the Deep - Adele. FINALLY got her CD. About time.

 TV show in the background: American Idol. Colton got voted off last week, so I'm not very interested in it anymore. But they sang Queen and even had Bryan and Roger on there, so of course I had to watch. I hope Phillip or Elise wins now.

 So, I really just don't care about anything that has to deal with school anymore. It's like I have senioritis as a junior, which sucks. Maybe it was the fact that I was out for six days, especially right after spring break. Maybe it's because I'm just ready for summer. I'm not really sure, but either way, I haven't been doing my work whatsoever. Well, I have, but not as well as I could be doing. I've made up everything for US History now, except I'm taking a test later because I just got all of the information on Monday. But other than that, I am so behind in school. I'm days behind in my speech (legalization of same-sex marriage) and I still have to make up a test and two quizes for English... ew. Yearbook is yearbook... yeah.

 All I want to do is write. That's literally all I think about right now. I'm always in class thinking of what else I can add on to what I'm working on and what I should do in the future and what I'm going to write when I start later and blah blah blah. But that's a good thing, so... (:

 There's four and a half more weeks of school until exams. Holy crap, where did that time go? I could've sworn that it was just the first day of the school year last year... maybe not... hm.

 In the next few weeks: PROM! I'm going with a good friend of mine, Alex, and a giant group. It's funny because last year Alex and I said we would go together this year if neither of us had a date. Aw (:

 I'm also going to photograph a wedding with my photography club adviser! WOO! And I'm getting paid for it; heck yeah! Then exams, then graduation. A good chunk of my friends are graduating this year, sadly. But a good chunk of that good chunk is going to the college only thirty minutes away. Yay! Okay, I need to stop procrastinating now...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I need to write.

Of course, I forgot that I decided I would write every Friday. I'm not good at keeping those promises. But nobody reads this anyways, so it doesn't really matter. I suppose it's more for me to go back a few years and read what was going on at a certain time. Even though I don't do that... Oh wells.

Last Wednesday, I was in a car accident. It wasn't too bad, but it was pretty bad. So bad that I haven't been to school in a week, besides first two periods on Monday. My back is so messed up. My right arm was bruised and in a sling. Constant head aches. Basically, I was camped out on the couch for a week. (I'm going to a chiropractor to help my back get better faster and we're suing the guy who hit us. Wish us luck!) What did I do during that time? I couldn't write like I wanted to because of the fact that my arm is in a sling. Luckily, though, I had bought a few books online (I'm addicted to buying books off of Amazon). So, I read. I read, and I read, and I read. I read four books in a week. The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks (can't wait for the movie), The Watsons go to Birmingham, 1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis (all time favorite. Read it in fifth grade language arts. I've read it now five times since), Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson and Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti. I finished TLO in three days (thanks to the medicine knocking me out constantly) and WGTB1963 in one day. Then Catalyst in one and a half and SLF in five and a half hours. I could not put either of those two down.

Laurie Halse Anderson has been one of my favorite authors since I read Speak my freshman year. I never saw another one of her books for another year at a used book store in Apex, Prom. Loved it. Found Wintergirls in March, obsessed with it. Then I saw Catalyst, also in the book store. The cover almost pushed me away, but I bought it anyways. Couldn't put it down. It should be made into a movie. As long as Kristen Stewart isn't the lead. I didn't like the movie of Speak. I love her and her books.

Susane Colasanti. Where do I begin with her? I've read three of her books. The first one was When it Happens. I couldn't put the book down. Finished it within, like, five hours. Same with the next, and the next. That's only happened with two other authors; Sarah Dessen and Suzane Collins. Colasanti is officially was officially added to my list of favorite authors.

So, of course, being on bed rest and having an iPhone, I tweeted a lot. I tweeted when I started a Colasanti book last night. Then tweeted when I finished, tagging her in both. Surprise to me, two hours later, SHE TWEETS ME BACK. "So happy you enjoyed :)" Of course I tweeted later, tagging all of my favorite authors (Dessen, Sarah Littman, and Halse Anderson). Then, Littman tweets me and we have a twenty minute conversation! It made my day. Psh, it made my year! It gave me so much inspiration right there, talking about how she fangirls over Judy Blume and was so awestruck she couldn't talk. While talking to Littman, I tweet "I really do think that if @sarahdessen or @halseanderson tweet me, I will have a heart attack." Five hours later she tweets, " @careyshook How close are you to an emergency room?" Note: I did not have a heart attack. Just was shaking like a chihuahua in happiness for probably twenty minutes. Now I just wait for Sarah Dessen to tweet me. Maybe she'll see that Halse Anderson, who she tweets often (I twitter-stalk them both) will see that she tweeted me and maybe she'll tweet me.

I want to be like them one day. NY Times best selling author. Living in a quaint apartment in the city, or a nice home with a family. I can live off of what I make from my books. I want teenagers to tweet me and send me fanmail because I'm their favorite author, their inspiration and role model. I want to make teens happy because they get lost in my books and everything. It's a dream, has been since I was eight. No, not a dream, a goal.

And it will happen one day. I promise you.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

I'm going to try something to blog once a week now, on every Sunday. I'm not really sure why because it's not like anybody reads this... but hey, when I become famous and what not, those who do read will be say. 'I knew her when,' haha.
I've worked all weekend. And it sort of sucks... But hey, I'm making money, at least! That way I can save up for the beach, and also for a car that I can hopefully have before June... probably not going to happen, but you never know. As long as I have one before senior year starts.
Speaking of senior year, I can't decide between two of my classes at all. I already know that I'm going to have AP English (year long), yearbook (year long), Spanish 2, physics, and discrete math. But I can't decided between Spanish 3 or AP Psychology. A lot of people are saying psych because that's more useful, and I'm going to take Spanish in college, anyways, and I can just take a placement test. We'll see. I really do need to decide, though...
Prom is in two months. Everybody (well, the girls) are already looking for dresses, or already bought them, some guys are asking the girls to prom, and everybody is trying to lose weight before. Of course, I am one of those people who are trying to lose weight. That's been me for who knows how long.
That's all I can really think about to talk about this Sunday. And I bid you adieu.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Yeah, it's sort been a long while since I have updated this...

School: This semester is really lame. I don't like my speech class, yearbook is almost over (we submit it for publishing next week), and my English teacher is very, very awkward. But I love US History, and that's all that matters. We're actually registering for classes this month. It's really scary to think about it because that means that I'm so much closer to being a senior. That means colleges... so scary. But I'm ready for it. I learned today that I'm going to be an editor next year for yearbook! YAY!

Work: Work is work. Makin' money, though, right? Yes. I love the people, I love being there, even if it gets really busy on some days. Today, I actually got sent home an hour and a half early because we were so slow and so overstaffed. But it's alright!

Writing: I FINALLY finished my NaNo from November! Yay me! Now it's time to work on something new, and hopefully finish it soon, too. Well, soonish. And by soonish, I mean eventually.

Reading: If you have not read The Hunger Games yet, please do! I highly recommend it! At least the first one, because that is definitely the best. I got the first one for Christmas and read it in two days, then bought the next two. Finished the entire series in less than a week. It made me really happy. And now I'm going down my 'to read' list, and Harry Potter 4-7 is next. I started reading them last summer, but I really just can't stand reading books in third person, nor writing them. I'm just weird like that. I'm going to see The Hunger Games at the midnight premiere, too! You really don't realize how excited I am about this!

Other: Spring break is in three weeks! My mom and I will be going to Kitty Hawk for three days, and also on a college tour of Elizabeth City State. I'm so excited because three days before spring break, I get my full licensee! So excited. It's another milestone, haha. But I'm also excited because I get a nice girls weekend with my mom, and that hasn't happened in forever. It'll be a lot of fun (: