Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I really just don't care anymore.

Current playing song: Rolling in the Deep - Adele. FINALLY got her CD. About time.

 TV show in the background: American Idol. Colton got voted off last week, so I'm not very interested in it anymore. But they sang Queen and even had Bryan and Roger on there, so of course I had to watch. I hope Phillip or Elise wins now.

 So, I really just don't care about anything that has to deal with school anymore. It's like I have senioritis as a junior, which sucks. Maybe it was the fact that I was out for six days, especially right after spring break. Maybe it's because I'm just ready for summer. I'm not really sure, but either way, I haven't been doing my work whatsoever. Well, I have, but not as well as I could be doing. I've made up everything for US History now, except I'm taking a test later because I just got all of the information on Monday. But other than that, I am so behind in school. I'm days behind in my speech (legalization of same-sex marriage) and I still have to make up a test and two quizes for English... ew. Yearbook is yearbook... yeah.

 All I want to do is write. That's literally all I think about right now. I'm always in class thinking of what else I can add on to what I'm working on and what I should do in the future and what I'm going to write when I start later and blah blah blah. But that's a good thing, so... (:

 There's four and a half more weeks of school until exams. Holy crap, where did that time go? I could've sworn that it was just the first day of the school year last year... maybe not... hm.

 In the next few weeks: PROM! I'm going with a good friend of mine, Alex, and a giant group. It's funny because last year Alex and I said we would go together this year if neither of us had a date. Aw (:

 I'm also going to photograph a wedding with my photography club adviser! WOO! And I'm getting paid for it; heck yeah! Then exams, then graduation. A good chunk of my friends are graduating this year, sadly. But a good chunk of that good chunk is going to the college only thirty minutes away. Yay! Okay, I need to stop procrastinating now...

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