Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

I'm going to try something to blog once a week now, on every Sunday. I'm not really sure why because it's not like anybody reads this... but hey, when I become famous and what not, those who do read will be say. 'I knew her when,' haha.
I've worked all weekend. And it sort of sucks... But hey, I'm making money, at least! That way I can save up for the beach, and also for a car that I can hopefully have before June... probably not going to happen, but you never know. As long as I have one before senior year starts.
Speaking of senior year, I can't decide between two of my classes at all. I already know that I'm going to have AP English (year long), yearbook (year long), Spanish 2, physics, and discrete math. But I can't decided between Spanish 3 or AP Psychology. A lot of people are saying psych because that's more useful, and I'm going to take Spanish in college, anyways, and I can just take a placement test. We'll see. I really do need to decide, though...
Prom is in two months. Everybody (well, the girls) are already looking for dresses, or already bought them, some guys are asking the girls to prom, and everybody is trying to lose weight before. Of course, I am one of those people who are trying to lose weight. That's been me for who knows how long.
That's all I can really think about to talk about this Sunday. And I bid you adieu.

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