Saturday, March 10, 2012


Yeah, it's sort been a long while since I have updated this...

School: This semester is really lame. I don't like my speech class, yearbook is almost over (we submit it for publishing next week), and my English teacher is very, very awkward. But I love US History, and that's all that matters. We're actually registering for classes this month. It's really scary to think about it because that means that I'm so much closer to being a senior. That means colleges... so scary. But I'm ready for it. I learned today that I'm going to be an editor next year for yearbook! YAY!

Work: Work is work. Makin' money, though, right? Yes. I love the people, I love being there, even if it gets really busy on some days. Today, I actually got sent home an hour and a half early because we were so slow and so overstaffed. But it's alright!

Writing: I FINALLY finished my NaNo from November! Yay me! Now it's time to work on something new, and hopefully finish it soon, too. Well, soonish. And by soonish, I mean eventually.

Reading: If you have not read The Hunger Games yet, please do! I highly recommend it! At least the first one, because that is definitely the best. I got the first one for Christmas and read it in two days, then bought the next two. Finished the entire series in less than a week. It made me really happy. And now I'm going down my 'to read' list, and Harry Potter 4-7 is next. I started reading them last summer, but I really just can't stand reading books in third person, nor writing them. I'm just weird like that. I'm going to see The Hunger Games at the midnight premiere, too! You really don't realize how excited I am about this!

Other: Spring break is in three weeks! My mom and I will be going to Kitty Hawk for three days, and also on a college tour of Elizabeth City State. I'm so excited because three days before spring break, I get my full licensee! So excited. It's another milestone, haha. But I'm also excited because I get a nice girls weekend with my mom, and that hasn't happened in forever. It'll be a lot of fun (:

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