Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Five!

So, I'm totally stealing this idea from Sarah Dessen, but I have always loved this idea, and I feel like this will be a great way for me to actually update this... Haha so here we go!

1. I did start that book review blog! It's named A Kid's View. It's doing relatively well. I haven't been able to read the book that I'm reading right now since I'm not even in the state right now. So hopefully when I'm back, I can get it finished and lost a new review.

2. Speaking of not being in the state, I am visiting Clover right now! I got to drive down here in my mom's Subaru (180 miles, three and a half hours all by myself)! I was nervous about it but it turned out well. It was fun actually! Singing in the car all alone and everything with the windows down and what not. Perfect.

3. I know that because it's summer that I shouldn't be talking about school, but it is just so weird because I'm a senior and all. I signed up (originally) for AP psychology, AP English (year round), yearbook (year round), Spanish 2, physics, and discrete math. I recently dropped AP English and signed up for Spanish 3, I feel like it'll be more beneficial this way for me.

4. I ended the semester with three B's and an A, despite the fact that I was homeschooled for practically the last two months. How awesome am I? Answer: very.

5. I really want to dye my tips red. But at the same I feel like I'd hate it after a while. I tried chalking my hair, and I absolutely love it. So maybe I'll just do that every so often and what not but then I would get tired of doing that. Ugh. First world problems.

Have a great week!

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