Wednesday, July 14, 2010

so, i only two and a half weeks left of summer because come August, band camp starts(: i'm actually REALLY excited about it because it means schools coming up soon, and that means my birthdays soon. about a month and a half(: but i'm just excited for school this year. this summer, i've definitely changed a lot, and i also want to do better in school this year. i mean, it's not like i did bad freshman year, my GPA was 3.75, but i could do better. last year just was horrible for me and i let it effect my schoolwork. if i tried, i could've gotten a B in my science class, but i didn't. i got like an 83, but still. every point counts, right? i'm just stressing about it because i want to be the one person in my family that goes to college, and my family doesn't have money for it. so, yeah. haha. i'm also excited for my writing classes, and yearbook(: haha. this summers been great though, and i don't want that to end, but i'm ready for school. i actually like school, i just don't like waking up at 5:30am. haha.

thanks for reading(:

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