Thursday, October 28, 2010

evacuate the dancefloor(just the song that was playing...haha)

sorry it's been so long! i didn't really know what to write about on here besides band. i need a new thing :P and i found what i'll be writing about here today!

so, it's october 28th, right? yes. tomorrow's the last home football game of the season. saturday is the last competition. sunday is halloween. and then MONDAY starts NaNoWriMo! and i'm really excited! NaNo(for those of you who don't know) is National Novel Writing Month. it's in november, and we have 30 days to write a novel. i KNOW it'll be hard...but i'm willing to try, and that's what counts(: wish me luck(:

and now, i go to talk about band. :P
we had a competition at fuquay the other weekend. we did GREAT! we got reserved champs, which makes it that every competition we've gone to we've gotten a championship :D this show is just THAT amazing. except at cary band day, we're in class 3A. we're going up against fuqay, which we're not that worried about it, but Middle Creek. they've beaten us every competition, so i'm really nervous about it. but we'll see how that goes. at fuquay, i DID compete, even with my broken ankle. it hurt like CRAZY after. i mean, i was crying after it...:/ medicine was my best friend after that performance! haha. here are some pics (:

ending of the first movement. see, my face does NOT look happy like it's supposed to be...haha

ending of the 3rd movement. see, i couldn't get down on the ground, so i had to stand. and the way i had my hands on the ball(hahahahaha that's what she said... :P) it made me look like i'm sucking my thumb. hahaha. but i like this picture cause it's like they're all my minions or something....hahaha.

so, on october 25, my little nephew was born(: he is SO cute, OMG. hahaha.

SEEEEEE? he's like an angel!! 0:) hahahaha.

mkay, bye everyone(:

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