Monday, November 15, 2010

yay for school....

SO! Wow, it's been such a long time since i've updated my blog...haha. I'm actually in child development right now. we're doing a project for calorie intake for pregnant mothers, and six people (INCLUDING DEVAN!!!!!(: ) went to the library. and one of my friends was like "...carey, go update your blog!" so here i am. haha. yayyy.

Devan and I are gonna make smoothies(:

Devan keeps calling me a dork...:/

I wish that I had some cheesecake...haha. I just read an email about the band fundraising cheesecakes. sometimes i wish i was still in band...but if i was still in band, i wouldn't have became BEST friends with Devan :D
Devan's reading this. she's like "...WIN! :D I like that smiley face...."
she's sketch♥ "You would..."

i love her♥

nothing's really that new... marching band ended and now we just have parade season, so we have two practices every other week. yay? we actually have a preformance this thursday for the elementary and middle school kids that are right next to the high school.

oh, my god. speaking of my high school! we got our hour long lunch taken away because there have been a bunch of fights in one week. and now i don't have lunch with my love...:/ (devan) "awwwww!"

hmm......i'm unaware of what to say now, so i think i'm gonna go.

i'll report back probably when i get home :P

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