Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Writing month?

And guess what? I won it. I completed my first novel, Time For a Change, within thirty days. It's 101 pages, and 50,666 words. It's not exactly that well, but it's most definitely the best work I've ever written. It was about a teenage girl who just failed her suicide attempt. Over the month or so that the novel goes on with, she falls in love, throws her parents in jail, and becomes her brother's guardian. She knew it was time for a change if she wanted to be happy for the first time in years. Here's an excerpt:

"So maybe I didn’t die for a reason; that’s what the counselor from the hospital was telling me. I didn’t want to believe her though. I just wanted to leave already. I wasn’t wanted in this world by anyone except for Alex; and sometimes he’s not enough anymore. But the counselor told me otherwise. “You’re loved by everyone, darling,” she pat my numb hand. I would shake my head and ignore her just as I did every day when she came to talk to me."

I use that excerpt for everything that's needed for it just because it's one of my favorite paragraphs of all of it. It was used on the NaNo site itself, and also for the yearbook at my school. They interviewed me for my creative writing class, and asked me if they could put something I've written in there. heck yes, you can haha.

As for writing, I won the writing contest! No, not first place...or second...or third... but that doesn't matter! I'm still getting my short story "Family Before Lovers" which is about a girl(of course) trying to break up her brother and his fiance on their wedding day. I'm fifteen, and my life goal is complete: to be a published author. heck yes! (again)

This month of November was pretty good, must I say. Some parts were bad, but I can get over those. This month was amazing. I can't wait for Decemeber now. December 5th is the Apex parade, which the GHR is in. it.will.be.cold.:/ But hey, it'll also be three months for something!(: only few will get it. but I'm very proud about that. Then Dec. 11th is the holly springs parade, that the GHR is in, of course. it.will.be.even.colder. but then the luncheon is after that. and that night is Dani's sweet sixteen(: then just four days later is my brother's birthday. and then there's like a week after that, and then Christmas break!(: I might( AND HOPEFULLY♥) be going to Clover after Christmas, which would just make the ending to 2010 ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. I'd be in Clover for the New Year, which i sort of wanted to be in apex for , but whatever. it's totally worth it. haha.

alright, well, now that NaNo is finished, and I just finished this blog, it's homework time. I already finished my biology, but now I have to read for English. then i need to study for biology. i can't fail that class... wish me luck!

thanks for reading through these eyes♥

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