Friday, May 28, 2010

summer fever! ♥

Summer is just four school days away! Well, two days considering they're both half days(exams). And i'm so excited! a lot of stuff has gone on this school year, and hopefully this will end it(school ending). of course, a lot has gone on in the past like month: the writing contest, my brother, summer, school, etc.

WRITING CONTEST UPDATE: only one more week until we know the winner<3 haven't had any updates, which saddens me. but i'm quite excited for it, of course! i've been praying a lot, and hopefully i'll win<3 i've been reading a lot more again(which helps me write A LOT), and writing a lot, too. i started a new story, which you can read either on my livejournal( ) or my fanfiction, ( ). my brother and i talked today, and he said that i have quite a good chance of becoming an author. and if i post over the internet, and the right person finds it, i may get it sooner than i expected. so, i took his advice, of course.

BROTHER: he ended up moving up here, but only for a month or two. hopefully he'll be okay, now. keep praying, if you have been; and if you haven't please start. thank you.

SUMMER: like i said, summer vacation is SOOO close! of course i have something for band to do(which i'm most likely quitting), a week after school ends for high schoolers. this summer, i'm making sure i get tan at least once haha, and that involves swimming<3 of course, i'm gonna keep writing<3 third week of june i'm going to spend a couple days in Clover at Krysta's house for her birthday :D then i'll be back for Janis's birthday :D and that next week i have drivers ed(YUCK!). in july, i don't have anything(besides guard) until the 3rd week, in which i'm going to the beach with Becky for a week :D then august will be band camp!

that's all i can currently think of. TTE<3

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