Friday, May 14, 2010

Lots of random things;

So, first of all, i would like to go ahead and thank someone very important to me for this idea of what will officially begin the blog, Aimee.

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
- Anon
It's a true quote. Honestly, i only have like five or six real friends; and that's what i'm going to talk about- my journey with them. And to be fair, i'm going to go in the order that i met them.
Krysta, has been my best friend for five years. We've been through pretty much the toughest parts in both of our lives; and i can definitely tell you that she's been here for the toughest parts in my life. she's my true best friend, and we're gonna grow up together and die best friends. we've planned our future together(not like that :P). like after college, we're gonna room together, and write/journalism together. then once we get married and have kids, we're gonna be neighbors. and our kids are gonna fall in love :P hahaha. i love this girl with all my heart. seriously. haha.
Aimee, is now like my older sister i've never had. sure, i have my half sister, and then my basically sister-in-law, but she acts more like a sister than they do. we've been through a boat load of stuff, in which i won't get in to. but it made us how we are today. (: we fight like sisters all the time. like earlier this week we fought over our celebrity crush, Devon Werkheiser. And sadly, she won :P but i love this girl. somewhat :P haha kidding.
Becky and I have been friends since last april, when we were both having friend trouble with different people, and she happened to need help in math. (: we both helped each other with that, and we ended up becoming best friends. (: she brings the CRAZY side out of me, oh my gosh it's the funniest thing when we're together. (: so good luck. haha. i love this chick a lot (:
Janis, is also like my older sister, but more so best friend. it's always good having a friend a bit older than you, someone who's more mature than i am, and who can always give me advice. and one who can drive :P i always kid that i only like her cause she drives. haha. she just helps me a lot, which is always great. (:
And then there's Robert, who's also my boyfriend. He just helped me so much with the lowest point of my life. he just makes me smile a lot, and makes sure i'm happy. (:

now that that part's done, i can get to the other part; SCHOOL.
i have two regular weeks left, then one week of exams. then OF COURSE, i have to play at the graduation for band. a week after school's out; well for the high schoolers. so woop-de-do. my goals are to get a tleast a B in my earth science class(i have a C now), an A in algebra(B right now), i'll obviously have an A in band, and hopefully a B in gym/health. i just can't wait for sophomore year! aka, i can't wait for my creative writing class, my intro to yearbook class, and GUARD! (: haha. and just to not be a freshman. :P and then no gym. haha. i might end up quitting band just because i can't really play my instrument anymore 'cause of the fact of my braces. i'm just horrible. :/ but i'll see how it all goes.

for the last thing, i've been writing a lot of poetry lately. well, last week. i haven't had any inspiration for writing anymore, sadly. like i have so many ideas, but i get writers block after like five minutes of writing. and poetry only takes like ten minutes at the most. so it works. so hopefully, it'll go away. (:

so, thanks for reading this long post, Through These Eyes.

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