Sunday, May 30, 2010

things are changing;

so many things are changing lately;
summers around the corner, and every time summer drops by, things change. last year, i lost two friendships. i lost my hero. and i was done with grade school, now going into high school. i matured. now, i'm losing friends, i'm changing myself, maturing more, and growing into a person i never thought i'd be.
last night, i dyed the bottom layer of my hair black. it emphasizes a new 'me' is coming. whenever i do something to my looks, a new me is coming. last time i changed, it was because i wanted to be accepted. now, i just want to be myself. yes, i want to be accepted, but i realized that you have to be you to be accepted by the right people, otherwise, you won't be true. i've always known i'm not like a normal 14 year old girl. i've never had any alcohol before, not a sip. i've never done drugs. i rarely cuss. i dislike my father. and i just got my first kiss only a month and a half ago. i'm no where like the majority of girls my makes me special. it makes me unique. and despite all that, i'm still not completely myself. and i'm excited to start bringing out my true self.

Friday, May 28, 2010

summer fever! ♥

Summer is just four school days away! Well, two days considering they're both half days(exams). And i'm so excited! a lot of stuff has gone on this school year, and hopefully this will end it(school ending). of course, a lot has gone on in the past like month: the writing contest, my brother, summer, school, etc.

WRITING CONTEST UPDATE: only one more week until we know the winner<3 haven't had any updates, which saddens me. but i'm quite excited for it, of course! i've been praying a lot, and hopefully i'll win<3 i've been reading a lot more again(which helps me write A LOT), and writing a lot, too. i started a new story, which you can read either on my livejournal( ) or my fanfiction, ( ). my brother and i talked today, and he said that i have quite a good chance of becoming an author. and if i post over the internet, and the right person finds it, i may get it sooner than i expected. so, i took his advice, of course.

BROTHER: he ended up moving up here, but only for a month or two. hopefully he'll be okay, now. keep praying, if you have been; and if you haven't please start. thank you.

SUMMER: like i said, summer vacation is SOOO close! of course i have something for band to do(which i'm most likely quitting), a week after school ends for high schoolers. this summer, i'm making sure i get tan at least once haha, and that involves swimming<3 of course, i'm gonna keep writing<3 third week of june i'm going to spend a couple days in Clover at Krysta's house for her birthday :D then i'll be back for Janis's birthday :D and that next week i have drivers ed(YUCK!). in july, i don't have anything(besides guard) until the 3rd week, in which i'm going to the beach with Becky for a week :D then august will be band camp!

that's all i can currently think of. TTE<3

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So, a few blogs ago, i recall saying that Becky and I entered a short story contest. Last night, i checked out the website, thinking neither of us won because we weren't called or emailed. They had a link to the publisher's website, and said that the winner will be announced June 5th, and gave us the list of the top 12 stories that are in the finals. And both stories i entered are in the top three! and Becky's is number 8! but i freaked out! I was talking to my mom, saying "It says that the winner will be announced-- OH MY GOD I'M IN THE TOP THREE!" and started crying, no joke! haha. i was so excited! Because my goal is to have one story published, and if i complete that goal before i'm 15, i'd be so amazed! I've wanted to be an author since i was 8 or 9, and just thinking that i'm 14, and this good of a writer, it stuns me. Sure, i've won a writing contest before, but not to where i could've gotten it published. it makes me feel great, and that i probably have a future in writing!so please hope and pray that i win! (:
i'm actually about to go write some more, haha. so wish me luck!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lots of random things;

So, first of all, i would like to go ahead and thank someone very important to me for this idea of what will officially begin the blog, Aimee.

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
- Anon
It's a true quote. Honestly, i only have like five or six real friends; and that's what i'm going to talk about- my journey with them. And to be fair, i'm going to go in the order that i met them.
Krysta, has been my best friend for five years. We've been through pretty much the toughest parts in both of our lives; and i can definitely tell you that she's been here for the toughest parts in my life. she's my true best friend, and we're gonna grow up together and die best friends. we've planned our future together(not like that :P). like after college, we're gonna room together, and write/journalism together. then once we get married and have kids, we're gonna be neighbors. and our kids are gonna fall in love :P hahaha. i love this girl with all my heart. seriously. haha.
Aimee, is now like my older sister i've never had. sure, i have my half sister, and then my basically sister-in-law, but she acts more like a sister than they do. we've been through a boat load of stuff, in which i won't get in to. but it made us how we are today. (: we fight like sisters all the time. like earlier this week we fought over our celebrity crush, Devon Werkheiser. And sadly, she won :P but i love this girl. somewhat :P haha kidding.
Becky and I have been friends since last april, when we were both having friend trouble with different people, and she happened to need help in math. (: we both helped each other with that, and we ended up becoming best friends. (: she brings the CRAZY side out of me, oh my gosh it's the funniest thing when we're together. (: so good luck. haha. i love this chick a lot (:
Janis, is also like my older sister, but more so best friend. it's always good having a friend a bit older than you, someone who's more mature than i am, and who can always give me advice. and one who can drive :P i always kid that i only like her cause she drives. haha. she just helps me a lot, which is always great. (:
And then there's Robert, who's also my boyfriend. He just helped me so much with the lowest point of my life. he just makes me smile a lot, and makes sure i'm happy. (:

now that that part's done, i can get to the other part; SCHOOL.
i have two regular weeks left, then one week of exams. then OF COURSE, i have to play at the graduation for band. a week after school's out; well for the high schoolers. so woop-de-do. my goals are to get a tleast a B in my earth science class(i have a C now), an A in algebra(B right now), i'll obviously have an A in band, and hopefully a B in gym/health. i just can't wait for sophomore year! aka, i can't wait for my creative writing class, my intro to yearbook class, and GUARD! (: haha. and just to not be a freshman. :P and then no gym. haha. i might end up quitting band just because i can't really play my instrument anymore 'cause of the fact of my braces. i'm just horrible. :/ but i'll see how it all goes.

for the last thing, i've been writing a lot of poetry lately. well, last week. i haven't had any inspiration for writing anymore, sadly. like i have so many ideas, but i get writers block after like five minutes of writing. and poetry only takes like ten minutes at the most. so it works. so hopefully, it'll go away. (:

so, thanks for reading this long post, Through These Eyes.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So, this week hasn't been all that great. Monday started off well, actually, because i just had a good day to start off. But Tuesday, i learned that my brother's in the hospital, so that pretty much ruined my week. I barely slept last night, and i didn't pay attention at all at school today and ended up coming home because i was just, not there mentally. So, please pray for my brother and my family, please.
On the good side, my computers fixed! that's really the only good thing that i can think of.
so nothing else is really new since my last update;
thanks for reading through these eyes.