Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

Well, this is my first blog, and since it happens to be my first, i'm just gonna tell you all about me, and then go to blog for the day.

Well, I'm Carey, and i'm 14. i'll be 15 in august. although i'm only 14 physically, i'm much more mature than people take me as. i've been through a lot in my 14 years, and that has matured me. i'm told by my brother that he's proud of me because of that, which means a lot to me. my brothers, Andrew(24) and Kelly(21) mean a lot to me. more so Andrew, because we're a lot alike mentally, and he helps me when i'm having a hard time. my mom is probably the most important person in my life, next to my friends. although as she keeps doing stuff, i'm losing my respect for her. she has rheumatoid arthritis(google it, if you must) and because my dad's an idiot, she hasn't been able to get treatment for years, and it could kill her. she calls me her God send, because i've helped her so much throughout my years. when i go to college, and turn 18(because i'll be going to college before i turn 18), i want to go to somewhere close to home so i can make sure she's okay. (i'll talk about college later) now my dad's a different story. i've hated him for about 6 years now, which sucks. he's a major alcoholic. and a horrible father. the reason i've hated him for 6 years is because one night, he got way-over-the-legal-limit drunk, decided to mouth of to his boss, and got himself fired. yes, his boss was a jerk, but we were getting paid good. but then he was out of a job for 9 months. he just ruined my life, for my whole family, not just me. because of that, i can't stand people who drink. when i was 5, i swore that i'd never drink or smoke-how sad is that? i plan to keep that, too-except my wedding, and it'll be champagne. so sorry people who come to my wedding(whenever that's going to be haha) who want alcohol. so that's my family :P
so, school. i'm a freshman(9), but not for too much longer :P i'm in the band, and i'm quite a band geek-but as my band director is a stupid jerk, it's going down. haha. i've played the French Horn for 4 years now(since 6th grade). last summer, i did marching band for the GHR(Golden Hawks Regiment) and i played mellophone(marching french horn). although this next season, i'll be doing color guard. i did winter guard this past season, and i LOVED it (: although, i hated wearing a dress, but i got over it (: i want to be a writer<3 so i take honors english courses, and sophomore year, i'm taking creative writing I, and intro to mass communications, which is intro to the school yearbook/newspaper classes. i'll probably take yearbook, since it goes more with graphic design, and i LOVE Mrs. Apicella :D i've always wanted to do yearbook, since 6th grade. and i've wanted to be an author since i was 8. (: so, yes, i have a passion for writing. in 6th grade i won an essay contest for my class, of course it was out of like 30 people, and it was about what D.A.R.E has taught me; i wrote all about my parents(xp). in 8th grade, i wrote a SciFi(ish) short story to have the chance to meet David Lubar(author) and have lunch with him. Out of over 1000 people, i won! (: haha. so, once again, i have faith that i will one day become an author, or atleast work for a newspaper(local, if anything). so, Dad, over my three years before i go to college, i WILL NOT change what i want to do! i'm no where close to you, or how you were in high school, so get off my back. As for college, i want to go to a school close to where i live. I live in North Carolina, so there's always UNC Chapel Hill, which is the best writing school in NC apparently, and it happens to be the closest college to where i live. there's also Western Carolina(the best marching band in USA :D), UNC Wilmington(beach :D, but probably a party school because of that), and UNC Asheville. all of those have either journalism or creative writing. so i don't know which i do; but i got a couple years before that happens (: if you want, maybe i'll put an exert of one of my stories on here; i actually have a fanfiction, i'll put the link on here eventually. haha.
my friends are MY LIFE. with out them, i wouldn't be here-honestly. i'll be honest, and say that i've been diagnosed as clinically depressed, which why some of these future blogs maybe sounding sad. and it's all because of my family life, so i tend to either keep to myself at home, or stay on the computer cause i almost always have a friend online; but that's only at home. i try to make sure i have plans on the weekends because i can't be home for a long amount of time with out something drastic happening in my family. i'm involved with a lot of things at school, but now some of them are ending, so i only have one, which will end by the end of april. but my friends are my life, they help me through everything. i tend to be friends with people that are a few years older than me, because of drama people my age cause, and also my maturity level(totally not being conceited or anything haha). but i'm up for any friends<3
now, to God. i used to be this HUGE Christian, but when i moved to NC from SC, i stopped going to church. also, the fact that the choir director was killed in a car accident, now a year ago. on April 4th, 2009, Cindy Furr and her two year old daughter, Mackie, was killed. Cindy was the choir director at my church, and my only true hero because she lived her life for God. i looked up to her, so much. But i have to face the fact that she's gone, no matter how much i don't want to. I love you, Cindy. Keep watching over us, please. Never to be Forgotten<3
So, that's basically my auto-biography. haha. And it's Easter Sunday! I'm trying not to let the fact that Cindy's death, a year ago, is also on Easter ruin it for me. Today, Jesus rose from the dead. (: Later, i'm going over to my uncle and aunt's house for dinner. all of my Dad's side of the family will be there---great! :/ but i can get over it. i haven't seen my cousins in a while. i've only been up for about two hours, so there's really nothing else to talk about. So i hope you enjoyed reading Through These Eyes. (:

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