Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Band trip!!

All throughout marching band, my brothers were always talking about the infamous band trip. I remember throughout the 6 years, they went to NYC, Panama City(FL), and on a cruise around the Gulf of Mexico/Florida. And since i'm finally in high school, and and in marching band, it's BAND TRIP TIME (: of course, it's a competition, and we just so happen to be doing fun stuff. haha. so for three nights and four days, i'll be in Baltimore, DC, and Virginia. we're staying in Baltimore, going around DC, and competition on VA. So Thursday(tomorrow) night, at 7pm, i'll be leaving HSHS and sit a good 'ol six hours on a charter bus with my friend, and then a bunch of chorus people. we get to the hotel at 1-2am :D great. haha. then sleep, then competition. then i believe a relax day, and and Phantom Of The Opera themed dinner at the hotel. Saturday, we go to the aquarium! :DDD and then go see PHANTOM OF THE OPERA ON BROADWAY :O and we get to ask the cast questions later (: and then we gotta leave. :/ so, i'll be back home at like 1-3am. fun fun!(sarcastic)i'm really excited (: i promise lots of pictures on sunday afternoon (:
not really much to say now, i'm so excited for it. :D so, sorry for a short one. but considering most of my blogs are pretty long, it's better off short haha. well hope you enjoyed my day/before trip Through These Eyes (:

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