Friday, April 30, 2010


So, it's friday! i'm currently over at Becky's (with Alli) right now, just chilling. Alli's on some working out thingy, Becky's sitting on a chair, and i'm on the couch doing this. i haven't really blogged that much since the Baltimore trip because of the fact i've been really busy. only like four weeks of freshman year left, and i'm really excited for summer. i've been acting like it's summer lately, always with my friends from apex rather than holly springs. i just haven't seen them that much over the year, and we grew apart. so i'm hoping that once sophomore year starts, i'll be smarter than this last year, and actually pay attention to my loves from apex.

so, about a month ago me and Becky entered a writing contest that ended today, so i should know soon for who won. the winner gets their short story published, and get a publisher! so we're really excited on that. wish us luck (:

uh, i really can't think of much to say really, i'm kind of distracted with a bunch of different stuff haha. but becky's pool opens tomorrow. (:

so, thanks for reading Through These Eyes

Saturday, April 24, 2010

going along with the past one,

so i didn't even watch the video blog from when i was at BECKAYY's. and then Robert texted me saying "ok. why are they all kissing you? and why cant i hear you?" haha, and that drew me to watch it, and i learned that the mic didn't work when i did the video. but, because i'm too lazy to take the video off, have fun watching 6 minutes of us just doing random stuff, when you can't hear me. haha. shout out to Robert, since he told me about the mic not working. i love you♥

sorry does not express how sorry i am,

that i have not posted in like two weeks! i've been majorly busy with a bunch of school crap. the end of the years coming, so that always sparks drama. usually, my drama changes every year between family and friends. this year, it's family, and i stupidly took it a different way than i should've, but i won't go there. i was withdrew from the musical because my band director yelled at me and made me cry, so we're taking care of that. i'm like failing both of my EOC classes, even though i'm doing the work. ugh :/ this has been stressful lately. only a few good things have come out of it though (: like Robert :D haha i can't really go into much detail in case my family reads this though.
so, last night, i made a video blog while i was at my friend's since a)she has a webcam that works(i have one, but youtube doesn't like it), and b) she let me (: so shout outs to BECKAYYY<3 there's not much on it, but you can see how crazy i am with my friends (:

so thanks for reading/watching Through These Eyes<3

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Yes, that's right. I know that the songs actually Goodmoring Baltimore, but considering I just got back from Baltimore(at 2am :/), and I'm back in Apex, it fits. haha. The band trip was frekain' Amazing! We got to the hotel(which was totally in the ghetto haha) about 1:15, and i didn't get into my room until like 2. and we stayed up until like 3:30 haha. We had to wake up at like 6 to eat breakfast and get ready for compeition. If we stayed in Baltimore, Maryland, would you make your compeition in VA, like an hour 1/2 away? No. haha. but the bus ride was fun. haha. there was SO much traffic, so on the way back it turned into a 3-4 hour bus ride back, and i slept the whole time haha. Then we really just had free time for a while. the "Phantom of the Opera themed dinner"(in quotes cause it wasn't themed) was horrible :/ disgusting hotel food. haha. but after that, drama time, in which i solved (: it made me feel really special. i got to talk to my ex in person about how i feel about our break up, and the effect of it. it was nice.
saturday, we woke up at like 7, ate breakfast, then went to the amazing aquarium :D (pictures are below) . it was amazing (: i didn't get to see the dolphins, but that's alright. after we ate lunch we went to the Hard Rock Cafe gift shop, and got an 8 dollar Save The Earth tote bag (: and at the aquarium, i got a turtle mood necklace (: after that, we changed and went to Phantom of the Opera! Which was SO freaking amazing! i was so sad when i learned we couldn't take pictures :/ but it was amazing, the whole trip was. i definitely won't forget it (:

(Nemo! :D and Saving the earth water bottle (: )

That's all i can write about right now, i can't think of anything else haha. So thanks for reading about Baltimore, Through These Eyes

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Band trip!!

All throughout marching band, my brothers were always talking about the infamous band trip. I remember throughout the 6 years, they went to NYC, Panama City(FL), and on a cruise around the Gulf of Mexico/Florida. And since i'm finally in high school, and and in marching band, it's BAND TRIP TIME (: of course, it's a competition, and we just so happen to be doing fun stuff. haha. so for three nights and four days, i'll be in Baltimore, DC, and Virginia. we're staying in Baltimore, going around DC, and competition on VA. So Thursday(tomorrow) night, at 7pm, i'll be leaving HSHS and sit a good 'ol six hours on a charter bus with my friend, and then a bunch of chorus people. we get to the hotel at 1-2am :D great. haha. then sleep, then competition. then i believe a relax day, and and Phantom Of The Opera themed dinner at the hotel. Saturday, we go to the aquarium! :DDD and then go see PHANTOM OF THE OPERA ON BROADWAY :O and we get to ask the cast questions later (: and then we gotta leave. :/ so, i'll be back home at like 1-3am. fun fun!(sarcastic)i'm really excited (: i promise lots of pictures on sunday afternoon (:
not really much to say now, i'm so excited for it. :D so, sorry for a short one. but considering most of my blogs are pretty long, it's better off short haha. well hope you enjoyed my day/before trip Through These Eyes (:

Monday, April 5, 2010


So, today, as the last day of Spring Break, i made a video blog (: One of my goals to do before my next birthday was to make at least two video blogs, so i'm half way there (: if i don't like it after a while, i'll stop it, but as of now, i like it (: i put the videos on my youtube, which is careyxgh, but i'll also put them on here, some how. haha.

As for writing, i put my stories on my username is xcarey, but when i update something, i'll leave a link to it. (my profile)

If you want to contact me anyway, (facebook, myspace, email), just ask for it (:

Hope you have a good day/rest of the week! Hope you enjoyed my day Through These Eyes

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Once again today

So, it's still Easter(obviously); but i feel the need to post another blog today, because it's such a special day, for two reasons.

Reason one---Easter! It was pretty decent, no family feuds until after dinner ended. I got to see my lovely cousin,
Jocelyn, and her son, Joey, who i absolutely adore. He's three, so we got to participate in helping, and watching, an Easter egg hunt. I hid a few, then helped him find some. First Easter egg hunt i've done anything with in years! it made today so much more fun. Jocelyn had me watch him after a while, and play outside, which i didn't mind. i took some pictures of this little cutie :D (Picture: Joey after he found all his eggs :D )

Reason two--- April 4th will always be a sad day for me from now on. And it will continue on until April 5th, also. April 4th, 2009, there was a deadly car wreak in Charlotte, NC. Two cars were racing back from
Carowinds(theme park) to Clover(SC, right below the border--where i moved from) The car closest to Cindy Furr's neighborhood, happened to have one of my classmates from 7th grade, before i moved to NC, Hunter Holt. Cindy was pulling out when Hunter's car(he was not driving) didn't see them, and hit her car with her and her two and a half year old daughter in it. her car flipped, killing Cindy on impact and ended up killing Mackie later in the hospital. Hunter died a day later in the hospital. Cindy was my hero, she lived her life for the Lord, and i've always admired her. She was the choir director at Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church, right down the road from the accident. She was actually going to church that Saturday evening. I grew up in that church, as i went there from when i was 8 till 12. I can't even really talk about her with out tear strolling down my cheek. i'm hoping that all three of them will keep watching over us.
I will always love you three. No, i wasn't exactly friends with Hunter, but i do know he was a good
kid. Everything happens for a reason, so God has a plan for them three to serve him in Heaven. (Picture:Cindy and I after a church service, that the junior choir sang in. That day, I had a solo singing "I'm Forgiven". I was probably in 6th grade, so i was 11?) Even though April 4th was on Easter this year, i determined to not let it ruin the day that Jesus rose from the dead. I tried as much as i could not to, and i guess you could say i half succeeded. Yes, i woke up depressed, and put on a fake smile at dinner with my family, and cried a couple times today, but i wouldn't say it ruined my day. Again, everything happens for a reason, so God has a plan for everyone. Predestination, i believe it's called. And I totally believe in it. I'll never forget her, my true hero.

Tomorrow's the last day of spring break, and i have to spend my later part of it at school, because my band director, Mr. Biasi(bee-ahh-see), decided to be stupid and plan a musical rehersal on a spring break day. So i'm staying up late tonight, sleeping in late tomorrow, doing my homework i should've done earlier, and maybe practice a little before i go. possibly. haha.

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading Through These Eyes. (:

Easter Sunday

Well, this is my first blog, and since it happens to be my first, i'm just gonna tell you all about me, and then go to blog for the day.

Well, I'm Carey, and i'm 14. i'll be 15 in august. although i'm only 14 physically, i'm much more mature than people take me as. i've been through a lot in my 14 years, and that has matured me. i'm told by my brother that he's proud of me because of that, which means a lot to me. my brothers, Andrew(24) and Kelly(21) mean a lot to me. more so Andrew, because we're a lot alike mentally, and he helps me when i'm having a hard time. my mom is probably the most important person in my life, next to my friends. although as she keeps doing stuff, i'm losing my respect for her. she has rheumatoid arthritis(google it, if you must) and because my dad's an idiot, she hasn't been able to get treatment for years, and it could kill her. she calls me her God send, because i've helped her so much throughout my years. when i go to college, and turn 18(because i'll be going to college before i turn 18), i want to go to somewhere close to home so i can make sure she's okay. (i'll talk about college later) now my dad's a different story. i've hated him for about 6 years now, which sucks. he's a major alcoholic. and a horrible father. the reason i've hated him for 6 years is because one night, he got way-over-the-legal-limit drunk, decided to mouth of to his boss, and got himself fired. yes, his boss was a jerk, but we were getting paid good. but then he was out of a job for 9 months. he just ruined my life, for my whole family, not just me. because of that, i can't stand people who drink. when i was 5, i swore that i'd never drink or smoke-how sad is that? i plan to keep that, too-except my wedding, and it'll be champagne. so sorry people who come to my wedding(whenever that's going to be haha) who want alcohol. so that's my family :P
so, school. i'm a freshman(9), but not for too much longer :P i'm in the band, and i'm quite a band geek-but as my band director is a stupid jerk, it's going down. haha. i've played the French Horn for 4 years now(since 6th grade). last summer, i did marching band for the GHR(Golden Hawks Regiment) and i played mellophone(marching french horn). although this next season, i'll be doing color guard. i did winter guard this past season, and i LOVED it (: although, i hated wearing a dress, but i got over it (: i want to be a writer<3 so i take honors english courses, and sophomore year, i'm taking creative writing I, and intro to mass communications, which is intro to the school yearbook/newspaper classes. i'll probably take yearbook, since it goes more with graphic design, and i LOVE Mrs. Apicella :D i've always wanted to do yearbook, since 6th grade. and i've wanted to be an author since i was 8. (: so, yes, i have a passion for writing. in 6th grade i won an essay contest for my class, of course it was out of like 30 people, and it was about what D.A.R.E has taught me; i wrote all about my parents(xp). in 8th grade, i wrote a SciFi(ish) short story to have the chance to meet David Lubar(author) and have lunch with him. Out of over 1000 people, i won! (: haha. so, once again, i have faith that i will one day become an author, or atleast work for a newspaper(local, if anything). so, Dad, over my three years before i go to college, i WILL NOT change what i want to do! i'm no where close to you, or how you were in high school, so get off my back. As for college, i want to go to a school close to where i live. I live in North Carolina, so there's always UNC Chapel Hill, which is the best writing school in NC apparently, and it happens to be the closest college to where i live. there's also Western Carolina(the best marching band in USA :D), UNC Wilmington(beach :D, but probably a party school because of that), and UNC Asheville. all of those have either journalism or creative writing. so i don't know which i do; but i got a couple years before that happens (: if you want, maybe i'll put an exert of one of my stories on here; i actually have a fanfiction, i'll put the link on here eventually. haha.
my friends are MY LIFE. with out them, i wouldn't be here-honestly. i'll be honest, and say that i've been diagnosed as clinically depressed, which why some of these future blogs maybe sounding sad. and it's all because of my family life, so i tend to either keep to myself at home, or stay on the computer cause i almost always have a friend online; but that's only at home. i try to make sure i have plans on the weekends because i can't be home for a long amount of time with out something drastic happening in my family. i'm involved with a lot of things at school, but now some of them are ending, so i only have one, which will end by the end of april. but my friends are my life, they help me through everything. i tend to be friends with people that are a few years older than me, because of drama people my age cause, and also my maturity level(totally not being conceited or anything haha). but i'm up for any friends<3
now, to God. i used to be this HUGE Christian, but when i moved to NC from SC, i stopped going to church. also, the fact that the choir director was killed in a car accident, now a year ago. on April 4th, 2009, Cindy Furr and her two year old daughter, Mackie, was killed. Cindy was the choir director at my church, and my only true hero because she lived her life for God. i looked up to her, so much. But i have to face the fact that she's gone, no matter how much i don't want to. I love you, Cindy. Keep watching over us, please. Never to be Forgotten<3
So, that's basically my auto-biography. haha. And it's Easter Sunday! I'm trying not to let the fact that Cindy's death, a year ago, is also on Easter ruin it for me. Today, Jesus rose from the dead. (: Later, i'm going over to my uncle and aunt's house for dinner. all of my Dad's side of the family will be there---great! :/ but i can get over it. i haven't seen my cousins in a while. i've only been up for about two hours, so there's really nothing else to talk about. So i hope you enjoyed reading Through These Eyes. (: