Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way.

So, I apologize that it's been literally months since I've updated this. Just too busy to write, period. Lately I've just been writing in a notebook during school, but never outside of school anymore. It really depresses me, too.

It's spring break, and I planned on spending time with my friends and writing. I've spent it all with my friends, pretty much. Started off pretty boring, but I ended up hanging out with my neighbor the day before she left. On Monday I went to see Scream 4 with my boyfriend, and tuesday I went to the beach with a bunch of friends. It's Wednesday afternoon, and I'm outside for the first time all day and writing this blog. I'm listening to my iPod, drinking iced coffee, and elevating my ankle. It's really pretty outside; that's what I love about spring. It's just so beautiful. So beautiful. And it always gives me so much inspiration to write, usually, when i go sit outside. I don't know why, though. Maybe because it's a different environment than my room, or the living room? Maybe because it's pretty? Who knows. But hey, if it makes me write, then that's all that matters.

This school year has gone by so fast, it's absolutely crazy. I mean, we only have one quarter left in the school year. Just 8 weeks. One of them we don't have school due to make up exams, and the week before that is all half days because of exams. So, technically, 6 more weeks. That is absolutely crazy. This has been the best semester of high school so far, though. Robotics has made my life a lot happier. Probably because I'm with a bunch of awesome people, or because I'm rarely home due to that. But now that's ended thanks to off season. But not too much longer. I've done exceptionally well this year with my grades. I've been on the A/B honor roll all year, and that makes me extremely happy. It's cutting it close with geometry and civics, stupid test anxiety. But i'll deal with it, and continue to work on it. Next year I signed up to take yearbook, english 3 honors, us history honors, algebra 2 honors, physicis honors, and Shakespeare<3 I'm excited for junior year. i'll also be getting my license. :D

Lately I've been accepting a lot about myself. It's hard to explain, but it's true. I mean, it's nothing really big, but yeah. I've recently joined the GSA at my school. I learned that I'm a lot more into Gay Rights that I thought I was, even if I am straight. I've also recently become a vegetarian, thanks to two people in robotics. My parents don't exactly approve of it, but my brother does. I learned that I really like helping people and that I really wanna help out people in old-folks home, or rehabilitation, or soup kitchens even. I need more information on that.... I learned that I'm also a Liberal, thanks to my Civics class (see? I do pay attention!) I've just learned a lot about myself haha. It's nice, really.

I'm gonna go try to write some. If only I had an idea for a story.... and also if only creative writing 2 would be offered at my school! Thanks for reading Through These Eyes.<3

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