Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's Almost Here!

Well, technically it's been here [for me] since mid April. But this week starts exams for all of the high schools around here, which means that summer will be starting in four days! That also means that I can finally hang with my friends again and I will get to go to Clover soon! Yay!

Good news on the law suit: we won! That's all I'm allowed to say about that.

I've been in physical therapy for way too long, but it's helping so so so much. I've been diagnosed with scoliosis (I'm not sure if I've posted that) and yesterday we found out that I have an extra vertebra? How does that even happen? Maybe I was supposed to have a twin. That would be kind of cool.

So, lets talk about Sarah Dessen. She's been my favorite author since I read Someone Like You in eighth grade, so about three years ago. And all of her paper backs are getting NEW COVERS! So far only her first three books have been revealed, but I love them so much. That Summer is definitely my favorite so far. I'm entering all the contests, hoping to win maybe one of them and get a free copy of them. Because knowing me and my obsession love for her and her books, I will end up buy them all, even though more than half of the ones I have now are all signed by her. Let's just hope that I win at least one of them (:

I'm thinking about starting a book review blog, since all I seem to do is read. I'm reading more than I'm writing now, which really saddens me. I hate that I have writer's block 95% of the time. Blah. And now I'm not going to the writing camp in July because the college cancelled on the program. Lame. I really wish that there was some writing guild around here... oh wait, there is! And since I'm not doing marching band anymore, I can probably do it! Yay, revelations!

All of now!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Well, it's official.

There's only 18 school days until exams start. And 17 of those 18 days, I will be sitting at home teaching myself everything I need to know in order to pass the exams.

It's sort of interesting. Since I've missed 13+ days in every class since the accident, my counselor, doctors, and parents were concerned about me missing all of my work and catching up for when I go to class for one day of the week. So, they decided that I should stay home for the rest of the year and have my work sent home. Fantastic.

I'm not sure how I think about it. Yeah, I get to sleep in (which doesn't matter because I don't sleep well in the first place)  and I don't have to sit in those chairs at school and try and push through the day with the pain, but I also don't get to have all of the help I may need. I don't get to see my friends or go to club meetings or participate in class. I guess it's better this way, though.

It's a rainy day out. I mean, I freaking drove through a flood on the way home from taking my friend's prom pictures! It was completely insanity. I'm just glad I'm safe.

I'm already bored cooped up in my house. I've read, I've tried to write, I've played computer games, and everything else. This will be a fun early summer vacation.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Just... trying.

That's all I seem to be doing lately.
Let me elaborate: I'm just trying to go to school again. Last week so so miserable for me and this weekend was worse since I went back to work. Some other things have started showing up that is hindering my recovery, too. I'm just trying to have a better outlook on life. It's also hard since I've been in so much pain for the last three weeks. I'm just trying to read and write more. Reading: check! Since the accident I have read ten books, all 200+ pages. As for writing, I'm starting to have writer's block. Blah. I'm just trying to figure out if journalism is what I really want to do. I don't think it is. I think creative writing is what I want to do. But that's just a joke, because what can I do with a creative writing degree? Nothing. Maybe I'll just become an English teacher or something. That way I can always write on the side. No matter what I do, I will be writing on the side.

I hate ranting. But it's also easier because nobody reads this. Yay?

I just finished (literally fifteen minutes ago) Susane Colasanti's So Much Closer. In that book, the main character has a wish box. I want a wish box. I just need to find a box now...

I'm going to write now. Maybe watch a movie. Or find a box.

Have a great week!