Sunday, October 9, 2011


Well, I wouldn't really call it a crisis, but yeah.

Krysta has been my best friend since fifth grade. Six years and we've been through everything. The two of us, even after I moved, have always done everything together. Reading the same books, doing the same things with free time, in love with the same bands (usually) and we usually almost always agree with everything. When we were in middle school, we always planned that we would go to the same college for the same thing (because we both love writing) and then would eventually both get married and have our own families and live next door to each other.

Well, part of this plan is starting to show up around the corner. College is two years away, and we should by now be figuring out what we want to do. I've already figured out that I want to go into Journalism and minor in English Education. I've always wanted to write, and it's the only thing I could really see myself doing. But Krysta on the other hand is freaking out and can't decide. She's going back and forth between being an English teacher, or Creative Writing/Journalism, and Public Relations. And sadly, she's letting others make the choice for her. (I won't go into anymore detail since it's her life and all.)

Today she chatted me up on Facebook telling me her newest plan. It was to do English Education and minor in Public Relations. And as she told me her reasons why (I won't say), I started to think about it: Jobs in journalism are slowly declining. Newspapers are dying, magazines are dying, and books are being turned digital with the kindle and whatever else is out there. The only thing left for journalism would be television and radio, which I'm sure by the time that I'm out of college will also be declining.

So right now, as I am typing this up, I'm thinking about how scared I am. I'm in a mini crisis right now because I don't know if I should go into journalism. I still have another year before I need to apply to colleges, but I need to figure out exactly what so I can choose said college.

I can only see myself writing. I can barely see me as an English Teacher. I always considered psychology, but I'm not as good at science as I should be. Otherwise, nothing else is appealing. And it scares me. It's like I don't know who I am right now.

I will never stop writing no matter what I end up doing. Hopefully as Krysta figures out what exactly she wants to do, I'll decide whether or not journalism is it. Because writing truly is my life. And since Krysta and I have always done everything together, hopefully we'll figure this out together, too.

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