Saturday, December 17, 2011

Around 100 more days...

And it's really insane to think that in about 100 more days I'll be a senior in high school. (I just now realized that the past few posts have been about school/college, etc. I'm just that much of a loser.)
I'm really nervous about passing my Algebra 2 honors class... I won't go into much detail, but lets just say that I'm not doing so hot in that class.
Every other class is AMAZING. I have all 2 A's, and B in my other classes (Yearbook, Psychology, and Spanish.) And my schedule changed for next semester to Speech, English 3 honors, and US History Honors (and yearbook of course!)
Within the past two months, I got a job! I'm a cashier at Lowe's Foods and I absolutely love it. The people there are awesome, I get paid every Friday, and I sometimes see people I know. It's a ton of fun and I'm happy that it's my first job!
There's only 87 school days until prom! This will be my second prom, since I went last year. As of now, I have no date. But I think it'd be fun to go with just my girl friends (:
I didn't get to finish my NaNoWriMo this year, since I was either at work, school, or robotics. November was a really busy month for me, but I'm going to eventually finish my story because I love the idea of it (:
Speaking of writing, I think I might start vlogging once a week starting next year, or at least blogging once a week, rather than every time I remember about this one. Hello, new years resolutions!
And last but not least, Christmas is only 8 day away! This year has gone by so so so fast, and I really can't believe it. I've already gotten my Christmas shopping done for my family, and all I need to do is do my Secret Santa shopping and also make my friend's their presents. I even have a trick up my sleeve for Christmas Day (hehe.)
I hope you all have a great Christmas/Holiday break! (: