Saturday, September 24, 2011

I really can't believe it...

I'm a junior in high school now, and have been for a month now. It's absolutely insane! It's really hard to fathom that I need to start really looking at colleges now and everything. Granted, I've known what I've wanted to do since I was eight (be an author) and since freshman year it's been Journalism/Communications. It's just really hard to believe that in just a year and 8 months I'll be graduating high school! I can really remember my first day of Kindergarten, my first day of second grade in Crowders Creek, my first day of seventh grade at Clover Junior High, my first day of eight grade in Apex, and then first day of freshman year. It's crazy! Time has flown by SO fast. It really feels like just last week I was in Clover with my middle school friends. And here I am in Apex, looking at colleges for Communications, and focusing my classes and getting my license.

It's also hard to believe, at least in my opinion, that I'm sixteen now, and have been for around a month. I'm the youngest in my family, with my older brothers being 22 and almost 26, and my half-sister being 32. I'm used to being the youngest, being under ten and sitting at the kids table for giant family events like Christmas or Thanksgiving or stuff like that. Or going to the kids service at church, or sitting in the back seat of the car, being treated like a child, being in middle and elementary school, etc. It's weird being treated like the young adult that I am. It's weird seeing my grandparents or my aunts and uncle and them saying how much I've grown up since we moved here four years ago. It's weird thinking that I'm going to start driving on my own in less than a week. It's weird that I'm being called ma'am or miss now at stores. It's weird that I'm getting a job soon. It's weird being this old. I feel like I'm not the youngest in my family now because I'm treated with so much respect, just from my parents and my brother who lives here. It's scary thinking that I'll be out of the house in less than two years, even though I've been counting down the months for the past two years or so. But that's what happens, really. Everybody grows up. It's my time, I guess.

Like I stated earlier, I've been looking at colleges lately. I've officially decided on Communications for my major, and I'd love to minor in English Education. I have my top three schools with everything from tuition to location and clubs on a list. Right now I'm focusing on Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC, which is ironically close to where I moved from. Also in the top three is WCU and App State. I'm starting college tours, I'm getting ready to take the SAT soon, and I'm focusing even more on my grades this year.

Speaking of this school year, this is SO my year so far! I'm taking Algebra 2 honors, Spanish 1, Psychology Honors, and Yearbook this semester. Psychology is definitely my hardest class this semester, but it's so interesting and I love it. I just hope I can at least get a B in it. My goal this year is all A's, since I maintained an A/B average last year (except for geometry because of the stupid sub we had...)

I suppose that's all! I'll upload some pictures of this year so far. (:

On my 16th birthday, and this is my staff picture for yearbook (:

Family picture at my birthday dinner!

Me and Stephen with our animal balloons that we got at the mall (:

It was super hero day during spirit week, and me, Gillian, and Roxy were the powerpuff girls (:

A picture of me taken the other day... let's just go on a flashback and see a picture of me when I was like two...

I wonder what I'd look like if I was still blond...
If you can, go watch this video my mom put together for my birthday! I love it, and I cried watching it the first time. click here for it!