Sunday, September 26, 2010

blah, blah, blah

so, yesterday was our first competition(: and we were AMAZING! we got 1st place in like, everything. seriously, everything besides drum major :/ but we were AMAZING! we got 1st place in 1A/2A overall, and 2nd overall bands :D our show is When I Was Younger, featuring Looney Tunes, Noisy Wheels Of Joy, Conjunction Junction, and Hide and Seek.. we don't know the fourth movement yet...well i don't. here's our show on youtube (: it excites me. their was this amazing show band there, H.V Jenkins from Savannah Georgia. an all black band. and it completely destroyed us. haha. they were AMAZING! they were like crumpin and everything. haha. it made me want to be black so i could join that school... (: but that's not gonna happen. the only part of me that's black is my butt... (THANKS MOM. :P)

so, school's been great. my changed schedule is english II honors, child development, creative writing, and biology honors. i truly do miss band :/ but oh wells i guess. sacrifices.... :/ *sigh* anyways haha. but schools been good. i've made a lot of new friends this year, which makes me happy(: we just had spirit week this last week. monday was celebrity day, tuesday was freaking NERD DAY, the best day ever. wednesday was dress to impress, and picture day. thursday was wacky tacky day, and friday was purple craze day. and let me say, our football team freakin sucks. the other team had a touch down in the first minute.... the ending score for homecoming was holly springs: 7 cary: 38. F OUR LIVES. and we were like amazing last year. haha. oh wells.

guys freaking suck. just saying.(:

i'm listening to DON'T STOP BELIVING by JOURNEY :D ♥ yay them. ♥

sophomore years amazing. i'll upload some pics of this past week/year. (:

this is Nate... he was Billy Mays(RIP) on celeb day♥ i love nate. :D

Marina(the Asian) and Savannah as nerds(: their my favorites♥

me on nerd day :D

me and marina! OH! AND PLANK from ed, edd, and eddy! :DD

this is alex(on nerd day--he doesn't have to dress up) he's my friend. he makes me laugh. (:

this is my english teacher, mrs. mellette, and the photography teacher advisor :D she's like one of my favorite teachers ever. (this was wacky tacky day)

once again, this is alex(on wacky tacky day) see? he's funny. haha

this was on purple craze day. i was attempting to play clarient. it was quite funny. Savannah is musical perfection. (:

i think thats all, unless you want band ones or other sophomore year pictures. although, nobody reads this, sooo... haha.

alright, goodbye(:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

i was interuppted by my friend via facebook, Bailey, to write this blog. i haven't updated in like... months. i've been WAY too busy. with guard/marching band, and school, i'm NEVER home. and when i am, i'm doing homework. or driving... haha. cause YES! i'm 15, and i got my permit!! and plus, i'm the president of the photography club :D I WIN :D

uhhh, i am unaware of what to say...
soo, goodbye. creative writing homework, here i come. (: