Wednesday, June 30, 2010


i'm reading a book, Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. It's more so a playwright, though. but i'm not even half way done with it, but it's devastating. it makes me want keep reading, but i know i have other stuff to do. i love reading, it really moves me. especially if it's one of those tales that moves me to write, if it inspires me. and that's why i love reading, the books inspire me. i've always wanted to be an published author, since i was eight or nine. but i'm still a young author, i need my inspiration to write. my main inspirations, Lisi Harrison, author of The Clique, and Nicholas Sparks(we all know who he is) write every day. they don't care if they don't have inspiration, they still write. but if i don't have inspiration, and i want to write, i sit there, staring at my blank microsoft office page, wondering what to write. i know what i want to happen, but don't know how to get there. and hopefully as i grow as a writer, i will be able to write with out inspiration. that's one of my goals, one i wish to be able to complete soon(ish).
the category i write in, isn't really a category. authors write because they have something to say. and i have a lot of stories to say. everything i write has a little bit of personal experience in it. that's why they're sad. and i guess that's my category? sad, devastating, but interesting. but it works for me. another one of my goals is to be able to write in different categories. like maybe kids, or romance. maybe both? whatever works, works.
"The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say." -Anaïs Nin

Friday, June 11, 2010

summer 20210 has started,

and BOY is it different! i didn't win the writing contest, and i placed sixth out of twelve(or eleven, because i had two win). but it doesn't mean it's gonna bring my hopes of being an author down!(:
on the other hand, i've spent basically all week of my summer with Becky, Blake, and Alli<3 and i've already changed a lot, but i guess it's for the best.
tomorrow i'm going boating with two of my band friends, and then sunday i'm going to krysta's house for almost a week<3
all for now, thanks (: